St Mary's turns 130 years
The school publishes an anthology of poems and artworks by St Mary’s girls called More than the Sunshine Will Stay with Us. Many of the poems and artworks capture “what it was like being a certain age in a certain place” (introduction to the anthology). A few of the poems are written in the 1930s.

Front cover - More than the Sunshine Will Stay with Us

Second Last Day

Georgia Came - Form IV - 2009

A Poet's Heart

Laurenci Dow - Form V - 2007

Emily Stainer - Form V - 1997
Decade 2018
Dodo mosaic at Khanyisa
Drama Department
Our beautiful chapel
Changes to the school uniform
Achievements and recognition
#BlackLivesMatter global movement
Teaching and learning challenges and innovations in 2020
Basketball comes of age: the new multi-purpose facility
The Edge mosaic
Academic achievements
Sporting milestones
Diversity and Transformation
St Mary's turns 130 years
South Africa has a new president