We want our girls to be happy and to flourish, and our comprehensive pastoral care system ensures that happens.

Junior School / Senior Primary

The Junior School senior primary phase has a buddy group system from Grades 4 to 7, which allows the girls both social and spiritual interaction.

Teachers meet on a regular basis with the head, deputy heads, therapists and specialist teachers to discuss and design strategies for children who need support in different areas. The girls have weekly Divinity and Life Orientation lessons.

Senior School

The Senior School uses the house system to nurture and care for the girls.

Senior School teachers are house mentors, each responsible for mentoring and caring for 12 to 15 girls (two or three girls from each form). The house mentor remains with the same group of girls throughout their Senior School experience. He/she tracks academic progress, and takes an interest in the welfare and day-to-day activities of each girl in her/his care.

The head of each house is ultimately responsible for all the girls and activities associated with his/her house. She/he is assisted by the house tutor who, in turn, is responsible for managing the house mentors.

The role of the house tutor is to provide pastoral care to those girls who require it.

Junior and Senior Schools

School chaplain

The school chaplain is integral to the St Mary’s support programme. The chaplain fulfils the role of spiritual adviser, and is available to give support and counselling.

Open Door department

The Open Door department offers a counselling service during school hours to those who need it. Girls can make an appointment for assistance with:

  • Personal or friendship issues

  • Academic concerns

  • Career guidance

  • Someone to listen

St Mary’s has three resident psychologists, housed in the health centre on the property.

Peer support

St Mary’s has a peer support system, in which Forms IV and V girls who have completed training, are available for basic counselling and support. The peer support team

also offers whole school support for the girls and invite outside professionals to address the girls on pertinent topics, from girl issues and media to mental health.

They take assemblies where they address relevant social and personal issues.

School nurses

St Mary’s has a well-equipped health centre with two experienced, qualified school nurses who provide superb care for girls who are ill or injured. They also inform parents and girls about seasonal viruses and other contagious diseases.

However, their focus is not only on healing: they also promote healthy living and good eating in both the Junior and Senior Schools.