Little Saints News
Little Saints has opened its gates to many fresh little faces and the year is off to a great start!...
Grade 1 news
The Grade 1 girls enjoyed their early morning group work sessions. They explored and shared different ways of grouping and...
Author visit
The Senior Primary hall was abuzz while we awaited the arrival of Maya Wegerif, aka Sho Madjozi. The girls were...
Grade 7 News
Stepping into the past with futuristic tools!In History, the Grade 7s have been learning about the life and times of...
News from the music department
A musical start to the yearThe year started off on a musical note. The Senior Primary marimba band workshop was...
From 11 to 15 December 2022, Tyla Bredin, Olivia Coetzer, Isabella Crawford and Mia Diana competed in National Age groups...
Little Saints News
The school year has started with lots of excitement at Little Saints. Our Grade 00 pupils enjoyed reconnecting with their...
Grade 0 news
Back to schoolOn their first day back on campus the girls met us with big smiles, ready for an adventure....
Message from the Chaplain: 20 January 2023
This week we held our beginning-of-term chapel service in the Junior Primary and Eucharist in the Senior Primary and Bible...
From the Junior School head's desk: 20 January 2023
In 1113, the 23-year-old monk and founder of the Cistercian order, St Bernard of Clairvaux, entered the Abbey of Cêteaux...
Environmental club
Investigating and learning about solar panelsThe Junior Primary environmental groups were treated to a talk by Peter Frolich, who is...