Message from the head's desk: 18 January 2024

I am delighted to welcome our community back to school for the 2024 academic year – there is always so much to look forward to as we contemplate a new school year. I extend a special welcome to all the girls, Little Saints’ boys and families who join our school this year. I hope you will experience the warmth of our community and the joy of participating in school life.
We begin the year on a celebratory note as we recognise the class of 2023 who have achieved excellent academic results. The group achieved 323 distinctions, with 92% of the group achieving an average above 60%. There are seven outstanding IEB candidates and one commendable IEB candidate.
What the highlights and summary of the results do not explore are the individual journeys of the girls who at times faced challenges and obstacles over the course of their schooling. Through hard work and courage, they have now achieved their best results to end their schooling career. The class of 2023 experienced the pandemic in their second year of Senior School, and then had to navigate its aftermath. They are inspirational and an example of agility and resilience. Moreover, we have all benefited from their unifying leadership in the Senior School.
I want to express my gratitude to the teachers who have nurtured these students and encouraged them to never give up – they were mentoring and tutoring them to the absolute end of school. It is a wonderful example of the relational value in education.
I extend my best wishes to the class of 2023, as they embark on the next phase of their education. They leave St Mary’s as independent young women, who should embrace their further studies with confidence.
Please click here to see more on the class of 2023 and their achievements.
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