Message from the head's desk: 6 October 2023

The campus has been a hive of activity in the past weeks. The Form Vs have had to finalise practical and portfolio assessments for the IEB and the cultural and sports programmes are in a busy phase before examinations begin in November. We have hosted many events and celebrated with the Form Vs. Our school routine is always punctuated with both remarkable and challenging experiences that we must hold side by side.
One of these events was the Matric Visual Art exhibition which I attended on Monday. It was rewarding to take time to reflect on how our girls have developed into confident young women ready for the next phase of life. I was aware at the exhibition of how school is a place where life and its cycles, complexities, joys and hardships are so visible – the joy and heartache of life collide. The Form Vs had a fun filled day to mark the end of their schooling; the art students were showcasing their creativity, which is not always easily uncovered and expressed; their teacher, Mrs Mowatt had arrived with her newborn baby, to see her students present their personal work to the community. Many of our girls, particularly the rowers, were grieving the tragic loss of our strength and conditioning coach, Matt Bekker.
All of this splashed across the canvas of one day. It is a lesson in life and one that we can use to guide our children, as we prepare them for life and all that it holds.
We pray for the Bekker family at this sad and difficult time.
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