Message from the head's desk: 3 November 2023

The topic of success and failure often features in our conversations at school because, as teachers, we are aware of how much success means to the girls and how difficult it is for them to deal with failure. In our teaching and messaging, we try to emphasise how important it is to fail, especially in the academic realm where it leads to further discovery - failure is core to academic endeavour. Carol Dweck’s work on growth mindset guides our school’s focus on encouraging participation, effort and personal development as worthy achievements.
Obviously, the Springbok rugby team comes to mind as they displayed the true and narrow margin that exists between success and failure. A difference of one point in three successive matches. And yet, theirs is an international success, a new record and an achievement worthy of great celebration for our country.
The team also presents the valuable lesson of the strength that lies in diversity. As a nation, we are blessed with a rich diversity that is visible in our team. Going one step further, the Springboks showed the significance of humility and how powerful it is to acknowledge the team, the whole in their success.
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