Message from the Chaplain: 06 April 2023


I want to start by telling a story.

My favourite children’s story is by Sindiwe Magona and it’s called The Best Meal Ever. This is a sad yet relatable story about ho e pata ka boroko (to hide in sleep) (Moleleki 2023). It is set in a South African township in Cape Town, Gugulethu. It tells the story of Siziwe. Siziwe is the eldest and is tasked with looking after her younger siblings while her mother is away caring for her ill grandfather and her father is away at sea. One day, Siziwe makes the comment: “Mother’s monsters are very hungry, but there isn’t any food left in the cupboard and all of the money has run out” Siziwe has to do something. She puts a pot on the primus stove and filled it with water, promising ‘mother’s monsters’ that this will be the best meal ever, the meal of hope. She stirs the pot until they fall asleep. Before she goes to sleep, she prays; thanking God for the meal they had and asking for a better meal tomorrow. The following morning one of Mother’s friends brings food for Siziwe and her brothers and sisters. The 'Best Meal Ever' was a meal of hope.

This children’s story inspires us to look at our community and realise we are both Siziwe and mother’s friend, we are always going to be both burdens and carriers. We are called to be a community of hope.

This term has been about community. We have had joys and sorrows.

The following line from the Easter Proclamation captures a bit of what this term has been like for us as a community: …a flame divided but undimmed, a pillar of fire that glows to the honour of God (An Anglican Prayer 1989:206).

St Mary's School wishes you, our community a blessed Easter.


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