Form I amazing race


On Tuesday 10 October, the level of excitement was tangible as 16 Japanese rugby teams (St Mary’s girls) embarked on the annual Amazing Race. The Form I Geography classes have been studying a section on world Geography with a specific focus on Japan’s demographic trends, economic status, climatic data and natural disasters. The thinking behind this activity was to keep the girls engaged in fun challenges while drawing from a multiple set of mapwork and graphicacy skills to aid and accelerate the learning process. A spirit of friendly competition, collaboration and effort were at the forefront as each team decided on which route to pursue.

The girls interacted with a world culture as challenges included performing a Kung Fu dance, basic karate moves, creating an Origami Koi fish, dressing a geisha in a kimono and applying their make-up, sumo wrestling and making Onigiri and Wagashi. The challenges entailed the use of devices as various apps were needed to complete the race. Google Earth allowed the girls to appreciate the metropolis of Tokyo. Each team had to upload a video of their race onto the Form I Geography platform.

Gauging from the favourable feedback received, the girls thoroughly enjoyed the educational value of this experience. Congratulations to the Sungoliath team on winning this race in record time and to the Red Sparks for winning the best war cry.


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