Message from the head of school - 18 May 2018


I enjoy engaging in conversations with the matrics at this time of the year about their experiences at school. Their feedback from a survey that they complete is also informative. What often makes an impact on me is how most of them express that they fall between being well informed and interested in social matters and then reticent about the responsibility that comes with adulthood.

As the adults in their lives, we need to find the balance between educating girls for their post-school experience while at the same time nurturing and protecting them from the harshness of the real world, while still at school.

Although as a school we embrace the use of technology and the resource it presents in education, we are also fully aware of the uncensored nature of the information it affords to most adolescents. Our teenagers rely on teachers and parents to engage with them in conversations about matters where they require information and guidance in finding their moral compasses, while navigating the journey to adulthood.

The school calendar has a number of meetings over the course of the year for parents, where the aim is to provide professional advice for parents, opportunities to engage in discussions and share our approaches. If you, as a parent, are looking for opportunities to engage with other parents and with me and my leadership team, then look out for Muse Mornings, HOPE committee conversations and general discussions with the house representatives.

The management committee, house tutors and I are also available at all times to discuss concerns which you may have. Our email contact details are on the school app.

Deanne King

Head of School

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