Message from the Chaplain: 24 November 2023

This week, we extend our congratulations to Hannah Keefer on her Baptism, which was included in our Junior Primary chapel service on Monday. The 1989 An Anglican Prayer Book describes Baptism as one of the two great sacraments of the gospel, given by Christ to the Church. The second sacrament being Holy Communion.
At the time of Baptism, a promise occurs. In an infant or child’s baptism, the parents, godparents and community of faith promise to raise the child in the faith. Through this the community, flawed as it is, commits to walk this journey together.
At Baptism, the seed of faith is planted. This seed is planted in the context of family and community and requires nurturing to grow. On Monday 27 November, we will have our end-of-term chapel for Junior Primary. We chose the theme for the chapel service: ‘sowing seeds of kindness.’
The agricultural image of sowing and seeds gives us an opportunity to discuss complicated terms using concrete ideas. Let us consider the work and relationships we have put effort into this year. We hope for positive results from our actions. Sometimes, things do not work out how we want or expect. The language used around crop failure owing to external and internal factors can be helpful to describe why, at times, seeds of kindness in relationships do not produce positive results.
Thank you for sowing seeds of kindness by donating Christmas presents for the Baragwanath Care Comforts Committee.
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