Message from the chaplain: 8 October 2021

St Marys Senior School News 17 September final for emailing and app

In our Junior Primary Monday morning chapel service on the memorial of St Francis of Assisi (4 October), we took the opportunity to write our version of The Little Flowers of St Francis, by sharing stories about our pets. The girls shared with us stories about their pets and how they care for them, and we also took the opportunity to admire the beauty and the colours of the flowers in the school gardens that surround us when we gather for worship in the chapel.

St Francis is remembered for taming the wildest of beasts with gentleness, captivating the birds in the air with his praise of nature, singing songs of love to the sunshine, moving the very stones to cry the praises of their common creator.

In thanksgiving for the rain and the beauty of all creation,
we pray:
O God, you created the heavens and the earth: bless the produce of our land and the works of our hands
Lord hear us
O God, you created us in your image: teach us to honour you in all your children
Lord hear us
O God, in your steadfast love, you provide for your creation: grant good rains for our crops.
Lord hear us


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