Little Saints News


An investigation into treasures and pirates

The children at Little Saints are often finding and collecting “treasures” in their school day. What attracts them to these items so much that they feel the need to collect them? Children are experts at finding items that are often overlooked by adults: some small, some big, some shiny, some plain. We decided to take a closer look at this by exploring treasure. The teachers set up a special box in the classroom and asked the children to place any collected treasure in it. Which items would capture their attention?

Our conversations with the children led to discussions about pirates. The children told us what they knew about pirates and drew them. We then researched pirate maps and their symbols and the children made their own pirate paper and designed their own map. The children studied pictures of pirate ships and they drew their own ships using various painting techniques.

The investigation of treasure and pirates culminated in the children designing their own bandannas and wearing them proudly on Special Persons Day!


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