Little Saints

St Marys Whole School News February 2021 5 LV KM final with changes

The children at Little Saints walk through the doors in the morning with their minds ready to learn. It is heartwarming to see how they have settled, made new friends, and have thoroughly enjoyed exploring the environment and discovering interesting spaces in which to play.

This week the children have been looking at the identity of an orange. They have had the opportunity to explore the fruit in detail through thinking routines and observational drawings. In the atelier, the children explored colour mixing using a variety of media to make different shades of orange. In Music , they enjoyed experimenting to make different sounds by throwing, rolling, and bouncing an orange. This led to their incorporating these sounds into musical pieces using body percussion.

Celia Diana

St Marys Whole School News February 2021 4 LV KM final with changes

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