Grade 0


The focus of the early Maths curriculum is to develop an understanding of number. Subitising (a term introduced by the Swiss psychologist Piaget, the ability to look at a small number of objects and instantly recognise how many objects there are without needing to count) develops number sense by helping children relate numbers to actual items or groups of items. It is not uncommon for young children learn to count by rote but do not really understand the meaning behind what they are doing. By looking at groups of items, children can start to develop an understanding of how a number is made up: for example, seven dots could be a set of three dots and a set of four dots, or a set of six dots and one dot. This understanding of part-whole relationships helps children to separate and combine numbers and accelerates their understanding of addition and subtraction.

Observing and identifying patterns is an important Maths and Science skill and the foundation for many more complex concepts. The Grade 0 girls went on a nature walk in the school garden and gathered some natural treasures. They had to choose two items and create a repeating pattern. Some patterns included big and small, wide and narrow, tall and short.


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