Message from the chaplain - 21 February 2019

Claudia Coustas

The first station: Jesus is condemned to death

This station is divided into two parts: on the left, Pilate’s world and, on the
right, the world of Jesus. Pilate is richly dressed; his garment is in different
designs with an element of Africa in the design. The rich purple of the
background conveys the opulence of his setting. A dead red bird above
his head is a symbol of humanity prior to the liberating sacrifice of Jesus.
Pilate contemplates “what is
truth?” as he attempts to wash away his guilt.
On the right, Jesus humbly awaits
judgement. Blue is my expression of
his sorrow and sadness. He has been abandoned by all his friends. In the

background a young female looks on in shock.
- Joseph Capelle

We are participants in this scene, standing as the young girl does, looking on. In a way, this scene depicts the choices we face each day: Pilate chooses to give into his fear of the crowd shouting for Barabbas to be freed, and so condemns Christ to death (Matthew 27:15-23). As we look upon Christ in each of our complex, daily decisions, what do we choose?

Lord, may we be guided by the light of your presence in each decision you present us with, this week. Grant us the discernment, courage yet gentleness of spirit to speak and act in your love. Amen.

Revd Claudia Coustas

First station

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