Message from the head of school - 28 July 2017

Deanne King 2

Studium Apertum was a significant day of thinking, learning and discussion for our community. It is a rare occasion to have access to so many thought leaders on one day and the St Mary’s girls are privileged to have had such exposure to important conversations. Our girls embraced the spirit of the day, involved themselves in the discussions, and displayed their enthusiasm for learning. I thank Ms Mittendorf and Mrs Mark for leading this valuable experience for our community and the staff who helped to organise and run the event.

In the same week, the Form Vs were hosted by the Old Girls’ Association to their first St Mary’s Old Girls’ function. Evening Prayer was followed by a cocktail party and a presentation by Maria Stacey, class of 1984. Maria’s message to the matrics was about her time at St Mary’s which was characterised by disorganisation and a lack of direction and how she has found a most fulfilling career as a psychologist consulting on pertinent social and health development issues in South Africa. Her message encouraged the matrics to answer these questions for themselves and find the point at which they intersect (your ikigai): What you love? What the world needs? What you can be paid for? What you are good at?

As the term draws to a close, our community looks forward to a valuable time of rest. The last weeks of winter allow for a time of quiet and rejuvenation in August, which will equip us for the energy of spring. I wish all our families a restful and peaceful holiday. We say good-bye to some members of staff and to girls who leave us – our best wishes go with you all.

Deanne King

Head of School

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