Message from the chaplain - 19 October 2017

Chaplain 2016 5552

As we reach the halfway mark of Term III, we have bid the Form Vs farewell as they prepare to write their final examinations and welcomed the Form IV girls into the leadership of the school in their various roles. At the Matric Valedictory Eucharist, I made reference to the following reflection by Joyce Rupp, from her book, Out of the Ordinary: Prayers, Poems, and Reflections for Every Season (2010). It is pertinent to both the Form IV girls and the Form V girls at this stage of their school journeys, but also of great relevance to each of us as we daily “go” about that to which God calls us.

Take nothing for the journey. Then Jesus called the twelve together ... and he sent them out to proclaim the kingdom of God and to heal. He said to them, “Take nothing for your journey ...”

- Luke 9:1-6.

Heal and proclaim...
Were the twelve afraid?
Did they wonder if they could do those things?
Compared to the quality of your ministry,
did they feel inadequate and unworthy?
What persuaded them to go? Your words?
Your friendship? Their enthusiasm?
Your deep belief that they could do it?

And you said:

“Take nothing for the journey.”
What did you mean?
Trust or more than trust?
Did you perhaps imply that we can’t wait
until we have all the possible things we need?
That we can’t postpone “doing”
until we are positive of our talents?
That we can’t hold off our commitment
until we are absolutely sure
we won’t make a mistake?

I think of all the excuses and reasons
we can give for not serving and giving:
no time, no talent, no knowledge,
no energy, no assured result.
You say, “Take nothing.
Don’t worry about your inadequacies.
I will provide for you.
Go! Just go! Go with my power.
Risk the road, risk the work.
Go! I will be with you.
What else do you need?”

Revd Claudia Coustas

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