Message from the head of school - 31 August 2016

Deanne King for front

Being a part of a community means that we experience the good and bad times together: successes, disappointments, the support of friendships and the challenges of relationships. A community most importantly, offers a place of belonging and a feeling of belonging is closely associated with happiness. To be a small part of a greater whole gives meaning and purpose to one’s life. This is what we ultimately want for our girls at St Mary’s, your daughters. The collaboration between families and a school is vital in creating a sense of community and ultimately, a sense of belonging.

The foundation of our school community is our values. These provide a firm framework within which we exist and they enhance our community by connecting us all and creating human social capital. To belong at St Mary’s means to uphold and live the values of love, community and integrity. These values speak loudly of our Christian Anglican ethos but they also speak of universal good. It is this aspect of our school that encourages social and emotional learning, which is as important as academic development for children.

Lord God

we ask you to give us your blessing

to your Church, holiness

to the world, peace

to the nation, justice

and to all people knowledge of your law.

Keep safe our families

protect the weak

heal the sick

comfort the dying

and bring us all to a joyful resurrection.

We ask these things through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Chapel 1998

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