Support and counselling
The philosophy of our careers and counselling centre, The Open Door, is centred on a holistic and preventative approach. To this end, the team runs workshops throughout the school.
The Open Door team consists of three psychologists who work closely with all members of the school in the area of learning and development. Their role is to collaborate with members of staff, parents and other relevant professionals, to ensure the wellbeing of each of our girls.
Muse Mornings are hosted during the term, at which professionals are invited to discuss relevant parenting issues. Parents are encouraged to attend these informative discussions.
Health Centre
St Mary’s School has a well-equipped health centre with two experienced, qualified school nurses. Our nurses provide superb care for girls who are ill or injured, and they inform parents and girls about seasonal viruses and other contagious diseases. Their focus is not only on healing; they also promote healthy living and eating campaigns in both the Junior and Senior Schools.